English Post · Jakarta Trip

Jakarta Trip Part I – Preparation

Hoo, finally my first post. So in this post i will tell you about my idea to visit Jakarta. This idea is bugging me since September. Plus i am really need a vacation to help me refreshed my mind. Lol. Live in this small village and didn’t have much time to go out really suck you know. Okay, i will stop before the entire post become wall of text of my rants hehe.

So, i try to get the approval from my mother (well i still live with my parents anyway), then told my superior so i can get a holiday (i work part-time, so it wasn’t really a big deal). The hardest part is trying to convinced my mother. Because i never go anywhere for the past three years. Hohohoho.. I am a good daughter anyway. Well in the end, i got an OK from my mother. yay

After got permission, then i start to make a plan about my trip. Because i have very limited budget, i’ll make my trip very cheap. Cheapskate backpacker they say lol.

Okay, first thing to do before the actual trip is preparation. The preparation itself including book train ticket (round way), find a place to stay in Jakarta and some money to spend in there.

Because I am a cheapskate, I choose economic seat. I live in Gresik, and nearest train station is in Surabaya. For Surabaya to Jakarta, I choose the South route for October 27th 2015. It cost me IDR 110K. And from Jakarta to Surabaya, I choose North route for November 2nd 2015. And its only cost me 90K. The fees is IDR 7.5K each. I booked the train ticket from its official site. Then pay it from nearest ATM. Its efficient.

Now that I already got the train ticket, its time to think about a place to stay. Actually, I have a friend who offered me to stay at her place. But during my stay, she still didn’t know wether she’s home or not. Because her schedule is fluid. Then I contacted my other friend. Well, the respond isn’t positive either. So I try to open my couchsurfing account. And publish a public trip during my stay in Jakarta and send two request to stay in their couch. The two host that I sent request is very nice.

The first ones is a guy. His profile have a lot of reference. So I think he is safe. And his reply is very positive. He wrote that I can stay at his place, for whole trip. The other ones is young family, but they said that they’re on a vacation so they apologized to me that they can’t host me. Well, that’s good, now I already have a place to stay.

Next is prepared some money. For this, its actually depends on your schedule. I am planning to use public transportation and didn’t go to mall if it wasn’t necessary (Watch JKT48 in FX mall is necessary). So not much money to be exact (but i still bring my debit card thou, for safety if i need extra cash).

Last ones is packing. This is the most difficult thing to do for me. Well, i only have small backpack. And i also bring my note book (to transfer photos if my phone memory is full). The idea is to exploring Jakarta and took as much photos as you can. In the end, i managed to shove all my clothes and other thing into my backpack. But its heavy. Really heavy. lol.

Well, that’s all about preparation. I hope i explained it good enough. And happy backpacking :))

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