

As always.  When i start a new blog, i’ll take some time to write an intro. And then will leave it with just an intro post. lol.

Okay, so here i am again. Writing an intro again. And lets hope that i wouldn’t leave this ones, too.

I’ll go by online name ‘ohippu’, i know its rather cute and didn’t represent me (i know im not cute, but i know you are lol). But ohippu have its own history thou. So 2 years back, i am soo into AKB48 and its Ace, Oshima Yuko (well obviously Maeda Atsuko already graduated). This Yuko girl have a pet. An ugly rabbit she said (from my point of view, her pet is cute anyway), and she named it Hip (in Katakana, its hippu). And because Hippu is already taken on twitter, so i put the ‘o’. So thats how ‘ohippu’ born. Lol.

And since i really like ohippu name, i start to use it in more wide range. From facebook and other sns profile. Include this brand new blog.

Anyway, to separate this blog and my previous blog, i’ll try to write in english (if i can), so i hope you can understand my grammatical errors :)) Also, i hope this ones can be my serious blog for good.

Have a great day, ciao.


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